2009.10.8일 숭실대학교에서 SOA 와 Cloud Computing에 관한 세미나가 있어서 참여하게 되었습니다.
Prof.C.H.Chi 중국, 칭화대학교
경원대학교 부총장 김원 교수님
숭실대학교 MSSEC 센터장 김수동 교수님
간단히 강의 내용은
1.중국의 서비스 연구및 산업계 동향
2.스트림 기반의 서비스 지능화
3.실용적 서비스 개발 방법론
4.Social Webstie의 개념 및 활용
5.SOA,CC 서비스 모델링 기법
6.SOA,CC서비스의 QoS자율관리 기법
7.서비스 분야의 첨단 기술
순서로 진행되었습니다.
요즘 최신 SOA,CC에 대해서 확실히 개념과 원리를 잡을 수 있는 시간이였습니다.
아쉽게도 저는 중간에 수업이 있어서
Social Website의 개념 및 활용,SOA,CC서비스 모델링 기법 2가지 강의만 듣게 되었습니다.
1. On Social Web Site
1)What is Social Web Sites?
Social Networking Sites(General Site, Vertical Site)
Social Media-Sharing Sites(Movies, Pictures.Media Types)
Social Web Sites(Both of them become convergence!)
For Example Facebook, MySpace. Twitter..So many Social Web Site is existed
2)Essential Features and Architecture
-Personal Homepage(simple to complex)
-Establishing Online Connections(automatic discovery, Site Sends"Friend Request)
-Participating In Online Groups(schools, employer, physical location,...)
-Communicating With Online Connections(means for communicating)
-Sharing UCCs(text, bookmarks, blogs, music, audio, images)
-Finding Information(keyword-based search, browsing-category)
-Open API(allows 3rd-party applications to access member and friends data stored)
-Businesses(marketing, customer relationship management, corporate intranet..)
-Government(governance, law enforcement, election campaign, legal proceedings..)
4)Issues-Users(social, security, legal, privacy)
-Sites(damage of self, damage to others, physical security of people,data and system)
-Social e-learing
-Social brain storming
-Social product development
2. Methods to Model SOA & CC Services
1)Methods to Identify Services
-criteria for identifying services(high commonality, modularity, adaptability)
A:defining business processes
step1.extract externally visible funcitonality
step2.derive business processes (bp) from usecase
step3.extract activities and their flows
-system actions are mapped to activities in the bp
-system actions are ampped to more detailed types
-sequences among activities are derived
step4.write business process specification
B:analyzing commonality
step1.identify common activities
-compare activities among the bp
-identify common activites
C:identifying services
step1:map common activities to candidate serivces
-to take a list of common activities and map the common activity to reusable services
-group a set of related activites(consder FD(Ax, Ay),DD(Ax, Ay))
step2.determine list of reusable services
-identify if common activity can be mapped to a service
-if the value of the metrrc has a higher value than the predefined value, the common activity is mapped to a service
2)Methods to Analyze Service Variability
-variability(a minor difference among applications or consumers within a common features)
-variation point(a place where a variability may occur)
-variant(a valid value that can be assigned / plugged to a vp)
3)Methods to Design Static Adapters
-Mismatch->Cause->Static Adapter->Cause "remedied"->Mismatch "removed"
-a solution to resolve mismatches(interface,functionality,QoS)
-six types of static adapter(signature, semantic matching adapter, funcitonality disabling appending adapter, qos supporting, enhancing adapter)
4)Methods to Design Dynamic Adapters
-a solution to resolve service faults(functionality unsatisfied, qos unsatisfied, not responding)
-five types of abstract dynamic adapter and is concrete dynamic adapters(by considering SOA target elements)
본 포스팅의 저작권은 보안인닷컴과 작성자에 있으며 상업적 이용을 배제하며 콘텐츠 이용시에는 반드시 출처와 링크를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다. 무단도용은 저작권법에 저촉을 받습니다..